All Systems Go for HumaneWatch!
We’re full speed ahead with the official launch this morning of HumaneWatch, our collaborative watchdog project that aims to shine some much-needed sunlight on the deceptive “Humane Society” of the United States (HSUS). HumaneWatch will also serve as a public archive for information about HSUS, its staff, and the dozens of related organizations that make up its “humane” universe.
But don’t charities already have watchdogs? Sure—but as we’re telling readers today, other charity oversight groups don’t dig much past the financial statements. We’re offering a deeper analysis.
Feel free to look at HSUS’s tax returns back to 1995 (more are coming soon for other groups). Read why a local humane society is changing its name. Take a walk down memory lane with the “early years” of HSUS higher-ups—like vegan activist Paul Shapiro’s 1999 protest on the roof of a fast food restaurant (Shapiro is now a senior staffer at HSUS).
This is a marathon, not a sprint. HumaneWatch will be around for a long time, but we need your help. You can help us build our HSUS-related library by sending us old documents—tax returns, magazines, fundraising letters—relating to HSUS or one of its many affiliates. And you can also be another pair of eyes; tell us if we miss anything. Together, we’ll be a team of gumshoes.
So don’t delay—head over to HumaneWatch and have a look. And drop us a line with tips, suggestions, or complaints. (Yes, Wayne. That means you.)