Calling all Cleveland HumaneWatchers
It's official: HSUS is trying to replicate its California "Proposition 2" steamroller in Ohio.
The message will be the same, the goals are the same, and even some of the staffers are the same. Nora Kramer, who ran all the signature gathering in the San Francisco Bay Area two years ago, is moving to Cleveland today, and living in an apartment donated to HSUS. (That's her Facebook picture at left.)
The following e-mail went out yesterday morning to Cleveland-area animal activists who are helping HSUS gather signatures.
If any HumaneWatchers were to … oh, we don't know … just happen by Aladdin's Eatery on Rockside Road tomorrow at 6 pm, we'd appreciate a report-back at [email protected].
And if you want to avoid sticking out like a sore thumb, order the hummus.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 9:37 AM
Subject: email from Nora Kramer Northeast Ohio Regional CoordinatorDear XXXXXXX and all of the other Cuyahoga County volunteers,
I am so excited to be joining you as the new regional coordinator for northeast Ohio! I was on staff with Californians for Humane Farms as the regional coordinator for the Bay Area's signature gathering for the Proposition 2 campaign in 2008, and I was so pleased that this initiative is being begun in Ohio that I made it work to move out here for 2-1/2 months to do everything I can to support it! I will be moving to Cleveland on Thursday (in an unfurnished apartment donated by a very generous donor!), and my main role will be supporting signature gatherers and coordinators in northeast Ohio to gather WAY more signatures than you might right now believe is possible! Please let me know what you see you need or how I can best support you or the campaign.
I'm inviting you and any other public signature gathering volunteers in Cuyahoga County to have dinner Friday night with me and with Nathan Runkle, the founder and president of Mercy for Animals and one of my absolute heroes. Nathan will be spending a lot of time in Cleveland to support the campaign in various ways.
Friday is a great opportunity for as many of us as are available to gather and get to know each other, share about how the campaign is going so far, talk about what's working or not working, what support is most needed, meet signature-gathering buddies and get tips from experienced gatherers, to discuss plans for organizing for the next couple months, and to have fun!
When: Friday April 23 at 6pm
Where: Aladdin's Eatery 6901 Rockside Rd. Cleveland (216) 642-7550 www.AladdinsEatery.comNot sure we could handle all 400 people who are signed up as signature gatherers to attend, but that would be a nice problem to have!