Did You See Us in USA Today?

BarkSadnessWe took out an ad in yesterday’s issue of USA Today. The ad, called “Bark Sadness,” exposes some reprehensible practices of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) with a March Madness theme. Our ad also comes on a day when HSUS paid to have an advertorial in USA Today on food production.

The fundamental scam of the Humane Society of the United States is that it raises money with images and references to dogs and cats and yet doesn’t run a single pet shelter, is not affiliated with similarly named humane societies that operate pet shelters in towns and counties, and only gives 1% of the money it raises to help pet shelters take care of animals.

So where does the money go? A lot of it goes to attacking farmers. Despite HSUS’s empty claims that it supports  farmers, HSUS is against the use of animals for food. HSUS has the same goals as PETA: Get rid of meat, dairy, and eggs. An HSUS vice president described how HSUS hopes to eventually “get rid of” the use of animals on farms. HSUS is led by diehard vegans—including a former PETA hack who compared farms to Nazi concentration camps. There is no piece of bacon they’ll ever support anyone eating.

For more on the bad practices of HSUS, check out our 10 Things You Should Know About HSUS page. But if you take away only one thing, it’s this: Give to your local pet shelter if you want to help pets.