HSUS Fundraising Event an Utter Flop
Yesterday evening the Humane Society of the United States’ lobbying arm, the Humane Society Legislative Fund, held a reception near Capitol Hill. The invitation was apparently sent widely across the Hill, and there was even a discount offered to Congressional staffers and interns to try to boost turnout. You’d think an open bar and a “bring your dog” event would attract droves—but you could practically hear the sound of crickets.
Why? It seems folks in D.C. have caught on to HSUS.
HSUS hasn’t had much luck in trying to pass federal legislation. The word is out that HSUS is essentially PETA in a suit and tie, and that was reinforced this week by ads we ran in a Capitol Hill publication.
For the few folks who may not have gotten the memo, we showed up with signs pointing out that HSUS’s CEO has said “I don’t love animals or think they are cute,” that HSUS puts more money in its pension plan than it gives to pet shelters, and that HSUS said Michael Vick would be a good dog owner.
In the end, there seemed to be only about 30 or 35 people there, including a number of HSUS staffers, such as John “J.P.” Goodwin, a former spokesperson for the terrorist group Animal Liberation Front. The low interest should send a message to HSUS’s leaders: They’re barking up the wrong tree.