Manicure Kits: The Humane Society’s Newest Waste of Money
The Humane Society of the United States, an organization that CharityWatch has branded as an inefficient charity (C and D grades), has revealed a new plan to help make better use of its hefty budget.
However, for those hoping that this new plan may include increasing HSUS funding of local animal shelters, you may be deeply disappointed. Instead HSUS’s new plan to help protect animals: sending out free manicure kits to its donors. A reader sent us the photo at right of what he got in a recent HSUS fundraising appeal.
This may seem like an adorable idea to the overly compensated higher-ups at the Humane Society, but it does little to improve the organization’s dreadful record when it comes to efficiently using funds to help animals in need. This recent stunt comes as HSUS closed a wildlife center in Massachusetts that provided help for 1,500-2,000 animals a year, and after HSUS laid off dozens of staffers.
Previously, HSUS has mailed out free socks, gardening gloves, calendars, tote bags, and other chintzy items. Throwaway gifts don’t feed any needy animals. But they do show how tone-deaf the leadership at HSUS is.