Jerry Cesak

Jerry Cesak is the host of the San Diego-based “Jeff & Jer Show” radio program (now broadcast only on the Internet). He joined the Humane Society of the UNited States Board of Directors in October 2010. Cesak spoke at HSUS’s 2010 “Taking Action for Animals” conference in Washington, DC. He also hosted a fundraiser for “Prop 2” in California in 2008 that featred actress Alicia Silverstone and HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle.

At an October 2009 town hall meeting in Los Angeles, Cesak called HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle his "personal hero" and credited him with single-handedly expanding HSUS's worldwide membership to "11 million."

Upon his election to HSUS's Board, Cesak published a blog article in which he claimed HSUS's membership was "11 million. That’s 33% of America." (That article was removed from the "Jeff & Jer Show" website within a week.) Similarly, a radio industry blog quoted him as(calling Cesak by his stage name, "Jerry St. James") saying HSUS's membership "has more than doubled to 11 million. That’s 30% of America."

"Little Tommy," a character on Cesak's show, blogged about him after HSUS put him on its Board:

In his home, he’s obviously a vegetarian, so there isn’t anything with meat in his refrigerator or in his pantry and you will not find a leather shoe or piece of furniture made from any animal.   Jerry has a fleet of cars and none of them have leather interiors.   Jerry will wear a 5 thousand dollar suit, but when you look down at his shoes, he’s wearing cheap almost plastic shoes—-no leather.