Special Collection: Amy Freeman Lee Papers, Texas Tech University
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This 208-page document contains selected portions (those related to the Humane Society of the United States) of the collection of papers left to Texas Tech University upon Amy Freeman Lee's death in 2004. Lee, a well-regarded artist and Texas philanthropist, was a member of the HSUS Board of Directors for 35 years—the longest-serving Director in the organization's history.
The papers were retrieved in November 2006 with the assistance of the Texas Tech University Special Collections Library.
Notable contents include:
- pp. 2-7: program from the 1992 HSUS Annual Conference
- p. 37: table of contents from The Humane Society of the United States News, Summer 1977, indicates that HSUS was engaged in "accredit[ing]" animal shelters 23 years ago
- p. 54: a May 1993 San Antonio Express-News op-ed written by Amy Freeman Lee, indicating that HSUS worked "pro bono" to upgrade and improve San Antonio's municipal animal shelter (a service for which today's HSUS charges tens of thousands of dollars)
- pp. 55-56: A "Report to the Board [of HSUS] Regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement," which describes how HSUS "has been working closely with … The Sierra Club, Greenpeace, and Friends of the Earth" to water down NAFTA—especially concerning animal-related federal laws that NAFTA (they feared) might supersede.
- pp. 79-82: program from the 1985 HSUS Annual Conference
- pp. 105-108: program from the 1972 HSUS Annual Conference
- pp. 109-112: program from the 1970 HSUS Annual Conference
- p. 117: agenda from the 1975 HSUS Annual Conference
- pp. 119-122: program from the 1973 HSUS Annual Conference
- pp. 129-132: program from the 1979 HSUS Annual Conference
- pp. 142-146: a cumulative list of HSUS Board members and their years of service, from the group's inception through October 1996
- pp. 147-150: a listing of "Speakers and Guests" at the HSUS 1996 Annual Conference
- pp. 161-165: program from the 1996 HSUS Annual Conference
- pp. 173-178: program from the 1989 HSUS Annual Conference
- pp. 181-182: list of HSUS "Officers and Staff in Attendance at the 1989 Annual Conference"
- pp. 203-204: 1993 HSUS direct-mail "Action Alert" urging members to lobby their U.S.Congressmen on a proposed marine-mammal law
- pp. 207-208: 1993 HSUS flyer against biology-class laboratory disscetion, published by HSUS's "youth education division" (Note: today this issue is more closely identified with PETA and other more obviously radical organizations)
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