Paula Kislak
Paula Kislak, DVM, is a member of HSUS's board of directors. She is a past board member of president of the Association of Veterinarians for Animals Rights, which is now the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association. According to her HSVMA bio, Kislak has worked with the San Diego Humane Society and The Humane Society of Greater Miami and is now a consultant and lobbyist.
According to, Kislak penned an editorial for the Northern Virginia Journal in 2000 bemoaning the fact that animals are left out of election politics:
Nonhumans are, and always have been, systematically left out of election debates and platforms. We wonder how it is that life can only revolve around one species and the interests of the millions of other species aren’t even worthy of notice by a presidential candidate. We call this “speciesism,” which is a prejudice against other species.