Tweezerman Creates Another Lather
A few weeks ago we told you about the Tweezerman company's pledge to support the Humane Society of the United States with money from the sale of every “paw print” nail file and pair of tweezers it sells.
But thanks to the vigilance of an eagle-eyed HumaneWatcher, there's more to this story than meets the eye. Tweezerman sells all sorts of grooming products, including this one that's sure to make someone in the HSUS executive suite cringe:
Deluxe Shaving Brush
This high quality shaving brush is made of 100% badger hair, the preferred bristle for creating a rich lather. The densely filled brush head is ideal for holding and distributing lather. Helps soften and raise beard while gently exfoliating the skin in preparation for a close, comfortable shave.
Badger hair? Sounds like a marvelous shave.
Don't the fine folks at Tweezerman know that there are 13 different kinds of badger on the IUCN's "Red List" of Threatened Species? That Wisconsin's emblematic rodent is so difficult to find in the wild that a biology professor in Milwaukee is conducting a state-wide "badger census"? That the disappearing Prairie Dog is robbing badgers of an important food source?
OK, that last one was from an HSUS press statement. (Why are we "saving" the prairie dog, anyway, if not to restore its place in the wildlife food chain?)
But still, you'd think a company that's already diverting its profits into the animal rights movement would be a little more alert. And you'd think that HSUS would promptly turn Tweezerman's bloody money down.
But you'd be wrong, of course.
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